Braggin’ on my Girl…

…and her new Blog!

Some of you may recall that my daughter, now 7, is a very talented little girl.  She is a gifted artist.


(One of her recent drawings.  No, she didn’t trace anything.  Yes, she did this free-hand without looking at a picture even.  Go ahead.  Pinch yourself.  I have to regularly.)

I’ve posted some of her art before:

Our Amazing Little Girl

Magpie Art

A number of dear friends have encouraged me to start Magpie a blog of her own to showcase her artwork and we (she and I) have finally done it!

Please welcome Magpie’s Menagerie to the world of WordPress!

I am astounded by her abilities on a daily basis.  She has a gift for sure but most importantly I am proud of her for her hard work and constant drive to improve her art.  She is always trying to do better.

(Oh, and her ballet teacher just skipped her a level!  I’ll stop puffing my chest now…)

She has put a lot of thought into the blog and is very excited about adding more art and ideas soon.  You can expect to see drawings, paintings, poems, photos of Fairy Houses, LOTS of pink (I swear we had nothing to do with it–it has to be biological), and…who knows what else.

I hope you’ll come by and say “HI”.

Thanks all–

12 thoughts on “Braggin’ on my Girl…

  1. Very cool… and congrats to your little one.

    Though, ok… i’ll admit, that I’m way older than your daughter, and I’m still trying to master the art of the stick-figure (jealous!) 🙂


  2. ok so I just went over there– thank you kind sir for the huge smile that is upon my face. What a wonderful and beautiful girl. Love the about page!


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